Definitions of "riot" from Cornell University's Legal Information Institute and Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary:
A concerted action: (1) made in furtherance of an express common purpose; (2) through the use or threat of violence, disorder, or terror to the public; and (3) resulting in a disturbance of the peace. Under common law, the crime of riot requires the assemblage of three or more actors. The concerted acts may be unlawful in themselves, or they may be lawful acts that are done in a violent or turbulent manner. Among the different forms that riots may take include escalated labor disputes or political demonstrations.
1) A turbulent and violent disturbance of peace by three or more people acting together. 2) An assemblage of people who are out of control, causing injury, or endangering the physical safety of others or themselves, causing or threatening damage to property, and often violating various laws both individually and as a group. The common thread is that the people in a riot have the power through violence to break the public peace and safety, requiring police action
First, let's check in on what Dear Leader Obama, the President of the United States, Leader of the Free World, responsible for the quadrupling of the already-too-big-Bush debt (which, by the way became Obama's upon the illegal, dishonest, back-room, bribery and extortion riddled "health care" bill) and the coming double-dip recession cum depression and massive, unending unemployment while giving hundreds of billions to crony corporations. [sorry, Mrs. Yoachim; I know that was a run-on sentence - - think of it as a stream of consciousness.] Sorry, direct, embeddable video is not available, so we refer to ABC news coverage: HERE.
Of course, we all know and respect Nancy "you have to pass it before we can see what is in it" Pelosi. Her unwavering support of the Constitution, transparent government, thrifty spending and a healthy economy are imaginary. Er, I meant 'mythical'. Um, 'a lie'. Ah, hell; let's just listen to what she says about the rioters in Wall Street, San Francisco and elsewhere:
Thanks to YouTube, The Blaze and MSNBC
Okay, if there is one person you can depend on to give the straight scoop on the economy, its Ben Bernanke. After all, he knows all about monetizing debt (we buy our own with money we printed just this morning, jacking up inflation which you just declare to be non-existent and hide by removing food and fuel from the indexes [see also the Weimar Republic]). Go, Ben:
Once again, ta, YouTube and MOXNEWSd0tCOM.
Let's check the ideological bud of Obama and Nancy, to see what a dignified, responsible, sacrificing devotee of scrupulously honest documentary thinks about the deep feelings and inspirational insight of the selfless and reverent occupiers. Cue Michael Moore, because we wouldn't find any of that other stuff I just said (other than the 'ideological bud' thing):
Yeah- YoutTube and Current
Now let's dip ourselves in latex (for safety) and go among the morally superior, hygienically challenged and focus-free "occupiers". (did you know that the financial institutions that formed and grew at Wall St and Broad [yes, formerly De Heere, for you "National Treasure" fans] spread out many years ago and mostly occupy WTC, John St, Fulton St, and elsewhere; while most businesses that are blockaded, trashed, vandalized and shoplifted by the mob, are small businesses with absolutely nothing to do with "bankers" or "brokers"?)
Jesse Watters gets the point of view (so to speak) of the squatters, mumblers, bumper-sticker academics and hippies.
Okay, where else? Y.T. video by Pigmine3.
At the allied Occupy Philly loitering festival, one mentally superior speaker elucidates for her equally wise and visionary zombies - er, saviors of humanity.
YouTube via skye820 - - viewer mksentinel tried to be helpful to the questioning, non-occupying 99.01%, pointing out: "First of all, they are repeating her because it's a large group. That way everyone can HEAR." Obviously one of the star pupils of the orator. Um, mksentinel? She was speaking (thanks to some corporation somewhere) into a bullhorn, the better to speak over the deafening din of 20 or 30 compliant, attentive zombies.
Here is one perspective that is (thankfully!) only available via still photo. Several of the Occupy filth think this is a good idea A picture like these are worth, maybe 35 words, even with inflation.
Obviously, this young man is interested in making the world a better place and seeks cooperation with the local authorities.
Notice the shocked disgust of the other well-meaning defenders of freedom, rushing to stop the travesty.
Thanks to and
Here's some more respect and tolerance from the Left. Notice how many times the well-meaning, polite young man changes his story to fit the argument-du-moment:
YouTube and NROVideos
I'm sure this racist, anti-Semitic viewpoint is just an anomaly. Lets see who else shares the opinions of Obama, Pelosi, and the C.A.I.R. mouthpieces for the American-murdering Jihadists, shall we?
How about the Grand Dragon, Poo-Bah, Thingy of the KKK, Mr. David Duke? Let's see if we can entice him away from some smoldering cross or noose-tying lesson to educate us.
Ooopsie - - and real Republicans* are supporting Herman Cain for President, while Lefties galore call him all sorts of offensive names. But thanks to YouTube and DRDDuke. [*KKK members and Southern segregationists are almost exclusively Democrats - - unless they are the Grand Whatever and try to put out disinformation]
Here, on the other hand, is NYC Mayor Michael "paint-the-roofs-white-to-fight-global-warming" Bloomberg (D) on the practical effects of the pro-Socialist riots:
Y.T and TheMidnightRider11
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For a change of pace: we have all seen the closely cropped/edited scenes of cops beating innocent protesters for no reason whatever. Somehow, lots of this sort of video is always available, but always picks up just as the cops go into action. No one is ever just standing around. Weelllll..... it seems one of these anti-capitalist, anti- corporate, anti-technology protesters forgot to edit out the preliminaries of his post before sending it in [too many hits on the bong?]. Here we see rioters, having conspired as to when to attack, then actually counting down, then assaulting a thin line of peaceful cops. The cops get punched and then react, as rioters issue fake screams of horror and all the (evil, corporate, high-dollar) vids and cameras appear to record the "police brutality". Alynski, Cloward and Piven would be proud.
Rioters assault police line:
Thanks to YouTube and especially Captquest1
The "just like the Tea Party" crowds have left more tons of garbage behind than any Tea Party has ever left pounds. They have provoked more arrests than all Tea Party rallies (with a population hundreds of times that of the "occupiers", counting just the 9-12 rally in D.C. with 1.8 million alone) put together. To paraphrase Tolkien's Saruman, 'No, the rioters are not really nice. You had better leave them to themselves.'
YouTube by BRocchio21963
YouTube by GBTV and the Blaze via ybgrsfd
YouTube by FOX via MOXNEWSdotCOM
What would happen if a few pro-Constitution, taxpaying, self-supporting people with pleasant, respectful demeanors tried to exchange substantive, well-supported information with "Occupy" anything (in this case, "DC") protesters?
YouTube by aimaccuracy
And how about if an actual escapee of Soviet Socialism, with the intelligence and awareness to know what was happening there, tried to educate indoctrinated Americans about the truth of their "utopian dream"? HERE is a video from MRCTV and that shows just that. [flash video player required].
And how about being educated by a homeless man, who has to live in that park and is disgusted by the conditions of "hippies" playing homeless and then going home to their apartments, leaving filth behind them - - and threatening the goodwill of the people that let him stay there. HERE is the video [from LiveLeak and AdamVStheMan] of the responsible man (who would be a great employee) who understands reality and stuns the Occupiers into silence.
What about Occupiers raping each other in their peaceful encampments full of love and human rights devotees? Not possible, right?
Thanks to MRC TV by journalist Stephen Gutowski
It's also interesting that, while there have been zero arrests and practically zero litter from the Tea Party and related rallies, comprising millions of protesters, they continue to be charged parade/demonstration fees. However, the #Occupy rioters leave tons of trash, excrement, urine, vomit, drug paraphernalia, vandalism debris, injured police officers, damaged businesses (etc, etc), yet most of them have not been charged the same fees. Some cities are considering recouping their losses, when and if they can find out if SEIU, Move-On, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (cop-killer), or which other Leftist group organized the riots.
And finally, here are some of the dedicated protesters at "Occupy D.C.", an allied disruption to "Occupy Wall St"; hard working Americans all. Ooops, they aren't workers, don't speak English (can't even read the signs they were handed) and their residency is - to be charitable - questionable. Please note, that though the non-workers have shut down non-financial businesses at "Wall St", and blocked commuters on bridges and streets, tried to invade the Smithsonian, trashed many city blocks and created health hazards everywhere they go, they have somehow managed to completely avoid protesting at Obama's White House. Hmm.
YouTube by inboxnews
A real explanation of "Occupy" mentality is at This man gets to take his time and really express his (factually and historically imaginary*) opinion.
[* Israel pre-dates the Philistines (forefathers of the "Palestinians") in Judea and Jerusalem by about 600 years and while they have had nukes ("500"?? Chemical/Biological - like Iran and Iraw have both used on civilians?) for years, they have never used them or threatened to annihilate their neighbors or started 6 wars of aggression "to expand their borders" (though they did hang onto about 10% of their defensive gains as security buffers). ]
Dear rioters, mopes and losers stinking up various cities and making it difficult for real people (the real 99%) to struggle on with reality: you are the 0.099%. You need to soak in disinfectant and get a job. And take your trash with you when you go, for once.
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SO.... Who should we be looking at for redress of our troubles, if not employers, investors and capital creators? Not Capitalism itself? How about the "modern", "scientifically proven", "just", "humane" Socialist agenda? This gives everyone everything they need (with the exception of the evil "rich", who should, of course, simply hand out everything they ever earned to those that can't/won't and then be rendered for their body fats - - but continue to "give" so that the system is "sustainable"), with no requirement for actually earning anything.
YouTube by PJTV
And here is the old-fashioned, far-Right perspective, presented by war-mongering Conservative (poet) George Bernard Shaw.
YoutTube via anonymous
Hm. That's kind of disturbing. Oh, that's right: Shaw was a self-proclaimed Fabian Socialist. It was the Fabians (with their "wolf-in-sheep's-clothing" logo) that gave rise to the Progressive Socialists in the U.S. This was because freedom-loving Americans would NEVER put up with typical, in-your-face Marxist Socialism. Americans needed to be distracted, lied to and slowly brought around to surrendering their liberty a little at a time, over 100 years; "p r o g r e s s ".
Here is a bit of advice from College Republicans (University of Arizona) - - folks who use colleges as places to learn better ways to do things instead of conspiring to tear down successful, egalitarian institutions:
Thanks to Arizona C.R.'s
[This article will be updated occasionally, as more relevant material becomes available]
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