This blog consists mostly of common sense responses to happenings (news articles, political events, etc) that just cry out for someone to say "WHOA! Hang on a second, here!" Too many people get away with just inventing their own facts as they bull-rush their way through an argument.

Unless you're dodging a taxicab or sidestepping a falling gargoyle, it's usually wise to take what time is available to evaluate and apply actual common sense. Good, old wisdom. It is, of course, my opinion, but I'll try to show why I think it's factual.
Thomas Paine said, "To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." ... but I argue with drunks, egomaniacs, anti-gun Statists, Socialist/Keynesians and climate-fraud peddlers, too.

**PLEASE share this around. I didn't research, consider, write and post this junk just to have it hidden.
And feel free to comment.**

CONTACT SophosArchaeus: eMail at sophosarchaeus@hushmail.com
NOTE: this page does not endorse violence, racism or threats, nor permit such abuse in any direction.
Though Americans are fully able to end a fight, that is a last-resort, defense-only option.
If you're here for such crap, get the hell off my page!]

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dirty politics is right

In a March 21st letter, “Clean air, dirty politics” (Inland Valley Daily Bulletin), Ellen Taylor (President of the Claremont League of Women Voters) proves two things.  Those are, much of Claremont must remain just as unreasonably Liberal as we have come to expect, and the League of Women Voters has been corrupted; it no longer presents unbiased, fact-based information for rational voting decisions.

The Clean Air Act, passed before the era of Progressive Socialist dominance of the Democratic Party, did help in improving our air.  I recall the weekly smog-alerts and invisible San Gabriel Mountains when I was younger.  The cost (borne mostly by industry) was actually staggering, but worth it in the long run.  But now the bloated EPA is legislating by “regulation”, in violation of our elected-representative form of government.  They are an agency of political appointees and bureaucrats, taking orders from only one man, but are supposed to be subject to the controls of Congress.  What they are doing is expanding governmental control over lots of quasi-environmental and non-environmental areas in the name of Global Leftist ideology.

Ellen’s “regulations…to control toxic air pollutants…causing global climate change" [emphasis mine] are simply the muscle of Obama’s Global Warming fraud.  In the 1970’s the furthest Left Liberals shouted about man-caused “Global Cooling” bringing on an ice age.  In the 1990’s they had to shift to screaming warnings of “Global Warming”, because the cycle continued and it was warmer.  They invented the now-famous “hockey stick” trick to fabricate more dramatic lies – er, statistics.  Now the absolutely normal, perennial and unaffected-by-humans cycle has rolled on and we are in a cooling period again.  Oops. Better make it “Climate Change”, because people are starting to remember all those old “warming” and “cooling” headlines.  By the way, the general trend for Earth (and the entire universe) is a jagged but descending line: it is cooling off.

 EPA is already involved in setting up “greenhouse gas” exchanges.  Profitable (western) factories would be required to “buy carbon credits” from small, third world companies.  No gas is actually exchanged and no pollution is actually reduced; money is just handed over to less productive societies.  “Sharing the wealth”.  “Climate Justice”.  Oh, and poor, little China and India and others (quickly overtaking American industry, and permitting far more pollution) are payees, not payers.

Obama took five (5) jumbo jets to the Copenhagen Climate Fraud Conference (which adjourned once it was clear that America refused to pay up).  He did it again within weeks for the Olympics-for-Chicago-cronies failure and for the Nobel Prize farce.  Al Gore uses the dirtiest jet in the air (Gulfstream II) to criss-cross the planet with his manufactured and discredited “evidence”, collecting over $100,000,000 in speakers’ fees.  Now the entire climate crisis industry has been repeatedly exposed as a global Leftist cabal with extracting money from capitalist countries as its only purpose.

The formerly well-intentioned EPA is now just a tool for sidestepping congressional oversight.  They try to justify wholesale closure of overwhelmingly safe American oil rigs in favor of far more expensive and undependable foreign oil, pushed through oceans of water in inefficient, leaky, oil-burning tankers that are vulnerable to terrorist attack.  They over-regulate coal, oil and gas to raise costs to industry and consumers.  Making and approving industry regulations is what Congress is charged with in the Constitution, but Ellen says, “Bypassing this process and letting [emphasis mine] Congress second-guess specific regulations…is simply bad government”. 

Really?  America grew into a power in just 20 years with NONE of these side agencies.  We were a major power before 1917, a super power by 1941 and the superpower by 1990.  And we repeatedly saved the rest of the world (with aid or with troops) along the way.  But it was bad government.  Most of the “poor” have color TV and cellphones here.  Millions of immigrants get visas and millions of illegal aliens sneak in here.  Those needing the best medical care come here.  But it was “bad government”.  Having an elected,  multi-party assembly question experts, debate and then vote openly, rather than one man (whose White House is rife with lobbyists) issuing executive orders “substitutes raw politics for scientific expertise.”    The air is cleaner than it has ever been and the climate is normal, but the League of Women Voters sees ‘good government’ as “new regulations” because “toxic air pollution and global climate change must be addressed.”

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ideology idiocy

The front page article of the March 20th edition of the San Bernardino Sun reported on a miniscule National Socialist demonstration and the much bigger counter-rally on Saturday in the (stayed, quiet, rich, Liberal) City of Claremont.  Needless to say, the NAZIs spewed hate and racism, while most of the counterpoint supported peace and cooperation. 

There is nothing good to say about National Socialism.  It’s true that Hitler patronized the concepts of the VolksWagen (People’s Car) and the Autobahn (freeway).  At a stretch you might even say that they were models of efficiency and designed really cool uniforms.  But these things are trivial or would have come about without them.

On the other hand, the National Socialists murdered 15 million Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, religious leaders, liberals, constitutionalists and others that didn’t go along with their plans of global domination, racial and religious intolerance and stark government regulation.  This does not include the 136,000 American soldiers (plus British, French, Australian, Kenyan, New Zealander, Canadian, and others) killed in Europe in WWII.  My uncle was among them, killed in ambush near Nijmegen, Netherlands (see the movie, “A Bridge too Far”).  Not just conscripted German Wehrmacht troops, but an actual Schutzstaffel SS unit).

Some believe that Hitler and his ilk (the German word is Nationalsozialisten, pronounced "nat·see·on·al  solt·see·al·ist·en": NAZIs) were right-wing extremists.  This is not true.  Easy research shows that they grew out of the Socialist movement in Europe and actually shared much of their membership roster with the Russian-style Communists in the Bavaria area.  In a nutshell, only when there was an actual chance to seize power did their ambitious bosses declare against each other as rival gangs.  The NAZIs eventually threw the Commies under the bus as Hitler defeated Karl Grohl (aka “Erde” or “Earth”) in 1933.  Hitler then claimed emergency powers in violation of the German Constitution and usurped more and more authority until the end of the war.

There are Socialists and then there are Socialists.  Some are more genteel and others are more fascist.  Some feign more tolerance while others are openly racist.   Hitler was only moderately effective in his murder spree.  He managed more than Hugo Chavez (still in progress), Cuba’s Castro and Che’, East Germany’s Honeker, Cambodia’s Pol Pot and Hitler fan Saddam Hussein.  However, his 15 million is dwarfed by Stalin’s 35,000,000 and the champion:  Mao ZheDong’s 70,000,000+.  None of these numbers include wars they fomented or the efforts of other Premiers of the same government.  But they all share a love of: stringent national control and vast libraries of laws, demonizing and taxing successful individuals, unions that are useful until power is solidified, and crushing religions and causes that might compete for loyalty.  They generally have a red “Blood Flag” and exploit (or create) lots of “crises” to keep people dependent on them.  They issue reams of “rights” just as others somehow go out of print when they become inconvenient.  Their Constitutions are rewritten every couple of years, with no input from “the People”.  Their ballots (if any) have one name with one checkbox.  Individuals have no value against the needs of the State.

Back to the protest and rally.  The comments of the Socialists are irrelevant: If they spoke, they lied.  They were only designed to stir up anger and (hopefully) provoke a fight. 

Most on the anti-Socialist side could probably find something to agree about, though they certainly had some differences among them.  Many were conservatives and especially Tea Party supporters.  Some believe they support Socialism, thought they were protesting against it on Saturday.  Some protested specifically against the NAZIs due to their racism.  Raymond Herrera, founder of We the People, an anti-illegal immigration group, wisely ignored the Socialists’ taunts about “hating immigrants”.  However, Chris Baca is quoted as saying that “This is racism…White people were the first illegal aliens in the country”.  Take a second and de-construct that statement for yourself – I won’t guide you other than to point out one historical/legal and one sociological inaccuracy.  I believe Chris is a victim of the propaganda he has been subjected to over the last few decades of increasingly Leftist education.  It is sad that all our kids get such junk on taxpayer money.

I pointed out that NAZIs are far left rather than far right.  What is far right?  The end of the scale (past Republicans, “extremist” Tea Party members, the Constitution, and Libertarians) is where you find anarchists.  Libertarians believe in an absolute minimum of regulation, with people leaving each other alone.  Anarchists believe in no regulation at all (beyond the rule of the mob), with everyone out for themselves at others’ expense.  Many young people these days have been made to believe they are pro-Socialist Anarchists when, if pinned down on issues, they would find would find they are actually closer to mild Libertarians. 

In fact, the true anarchist is a tool of the extreme Statist (totalitarians regardless of politics).  They exist on a circular, not linear (left-right) scale, with Socialists on the left curve, Conservatives on the right curve and centrists in between. Anarchists are at the very bottom; shoulder to shoulder with the Communist Revolutionary.  Their job is transition:  take a weak “Democracy” (as opposed to democratic, Constitutional Republic), discredit it’s Constitution, disrespect it’s history and values, damage it’s economy, destabilize it and throw it into chaos.  “Chaos” is synonymous with “Anarchy”.  The Revolutionaries are in the same mob and curve up to the left.  They point toward “the only hope for society”: Socialism, with it’s strict regulations to “save peace loving people”.  Easy research shows this pattern over and over, across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. 

Research also shows that the "peace loving" part is just one of many lies.  There is also an inevitable collapse of this unsustainable system, with exhausted and dispirited entrepreneurs and workers, frustrated and dirt-poor citizens, and obscenely rich Party Bosses.  This is generally about 70 miserable years after the seizure of power, unless Americans lead the Free World against them sooner.