To my occasional visitors and loyal friends,
Apologies for the gaps - - longer in recent weeks - - in posting reliable information and common sense. In this Keynesian/Socialist imposed recession and suppression, it has become necessary to dedicate every available moment to keeping body and soul together.
Never fear: old wisdom is hard to kill; but on top of a decades-long career and a service-injury protected retirement, the Leftist damage to our economy and regulatory increases to every tax, fee and consumer price index has made it unavoidable to get back into the workforce. Then, with Obamacare, the world's highest corporate taxes, shackled energy system and strangulating regulation (not to mention Obama's unconstitutional voiding of Federal Immigration law in favor of an illegal alien workforce), it has been difficult to find a situation of any kind. It has now been the grace of our Lord that SophosArchaeus has found a position that not only seems to bridge the gap, but allows continued offering of service to the People in a small way.
More on the absurd, dangerous and anti-American policies of the Dear Leader and his Socialist cabal can now follow as soon as things settle and time permits. Thank you for your patience.
A bomb threat exposes the dark reach of authoritarian regimes
Growing up under the Islamic Republic of Iran, I know firsthand how
authoritarian regimes target those who are fortunate enough to flee their
tyranny, an...
14 minutes ago