We recall the many times that Progressive Socialist Anthony Weiner did what they do best and lied repeatedly in our faces about his perv "Peter Tweets" as one poster described them. He thought that making the same lame and incredible claims over and over would make the problem go away.
[Thanks to Fox News and YouTube]
[Full 22 minute press conference and comments (22 min.), thanks to ABC News, HERE]
Andrew Breitbart, who broke the story and was immediately set upon by Weiner's operatives and most Liberal "journalists" as a jingoistic muckraker at best and "the hacker" that 'falsely incriminated' Weiner at worst, took the opportunity of the as-yet empty mike before the "representative" spoke, to demand a specific apology for the lies. The rest of us have to settle for the blanket apology, with yet another Progressive thinking he can just carry on after turning a moral molehill into a dishonesty to the People mountain.
Cleaning up Biden’s bird flu mess falls to Trump
The Biden administration’s brilliant plan to address avian flu involved
using a non-sterilizing, leaky vaccine on chickens — two years into the
24 minutes ago