This blog consists mostly of common sense responses to happenings (news articles, political events, etc) that just cry out for someone to say "WHOA! Hang on a second, here!" Too many people get away with just inventing their own facts as they bull-rush their way through an argument.

Unless you're dodging a taxicab or sidestepping a falling gargoyle, it's usually wise to take what time is available to evaluate and apply actual common sense. Good, old wisdom. It is, of course, my opinion, but I'll try to show why I think it's factual.
Thomas Paine said, "To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead." ... but I argue with drunks, egomaniacs, anti-gun Statists, Socialist/Keynesians and climate-fraud peddlers, too.

**PLEASE share this around. I didn't research, consider, write and post this junk just to have it hidden.
And feel free to comment.**

CONTACT SophosArchaeus: eMail at sophosarchaeus@hushmail.com
NOTE: this page does not endorse violence, racism or threats, nor permit such abuse in any direction.
Though Americans are fully able to end a fight, that is a last-resort, defense-only option.
If you're here for such crap, get the hell off my page!]

Friday, October 1, 2010

Allred, Brown, S.E.I.U. endorse Arizona SB1070

Bad, bad, Meg Whitman!

Years ago, she needed a housekeeper.  In 2000, she went through an employment agency, which ensures compliance with State and Federal laws.  She hired Nikki Diaz part-time, paying her $23.00 per hour, letting her pick her own schedule.  Nikki herself says that she was treated “like part of the family” for years.  So, when Nikki told Whitman in June of 2009 that she was illegal, and Whitman had to fire her (as required by law), she was shocked.  She feels abused and that she was treated “less than human”.  I know a lot of people who would like to be abused “like family” at 23 bucks per flexible hour.  The agency gave Whitman copies of Nikki’s Driver’s License, Social Security Card, Citizen/Tax I.D. and application, so she had not inquired further. 

Just 30 days before the election, Nikki’s lawyer, Leftist Gloria Allred, claimed that Meg Whitman was served with “proof” that Nikki was illegal, way back in April, 2003.  Meg could not remember any such “proof”.  This “proof” is an administrative notice of Social Security Number mis-match, asking for clarification.  It specifically says that it is not evidence of illegality and that firing an employee due to the inquiry is unlawful.  Whitman’s husband (not Meg) forwarded it to Nikki with a note to look into it. Nikki sat on it until she told Whitman the truth in June 2009.  Oh, and the original documents, which Nikki provided to get the job fraudulently, are all forgeries and constitute felonies.  Nikki says Whitman became "angry" and fired her upon telling the truth; she had trusted Nikki's statements and documents when certifying that all her employees were here legally, and has a campaign to run.

However Allred, her long-time Socialist ally Jerry  Brown and the S.E.I.U. (along with most Leftist politicians and media) have all been castigating Whitman, for failing to ask for her papers!  The Progressives say that Whitman should have "profiled" Nikki because she is "brown", speaks with a Mexican accent and was working as a housekeeper.  They say she should have asked for Nikki’s passport, birth certificate and green card when she hired her, despite all the documents provided to her.

It’s funny how they all tried to tell the lie that Arizona’s SB 1070 promotes profiling and checking “papers” without probable cause.  People read it and they know better: Arizona's law just prohibits lazy cops and "sanctuary cities" (violating federal law - without being sued!) from ignoring evidence of illegality, while specifically protecting civil rights.  Of course, Progressives really favor total amnesty and open borders.  But, this is Socialist politics and they work hard to engineer and exploit these deceptions, to enrage what they think are “gullible Hispanics”.  They think they own the Latino vote. Allred ran the same scam for recalled Liberal Gray Davis in 1973, and against Schwarzenegger in 2003, too close to the election to be proven false.  Voters saw through her then, too.

Whitman actually feels sorry for Nikki, who may have been promised special treatment or compensated by the Democratic machine running the smear.  Whitman has said she will take a different approach from Arizona when she is Governor.  Nikki will be thrown under the Progressive bus and subject to felony prosecution and deportation.  Allred will find more "clients" to take advantage of.


[ED. NOTE: The essay as published in the San Gabriel Valley Examiner contained an editing error (apparently by SophosArchaeus, as a draft contains the same omission) which makes it appear that the seminal events occurred in 2009, rather than from 2007 to 2009.  A correction was offered too close to printing to be inserted.]

Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Credit" where it is due.

In a 9-28 letter in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, “Give Obama credit”, the writer asks us to acknowledge the good things that Obama and his Progressives have accomplished. Fair enough, there are several things they should be “credited” with. Her example was energy programs.  She was able to obtain solar panels at “no initial cost”.  Wonderful!  Does she know that the rest of us picked up the tab for that through taxpayer-paid incentives?  She then gets lower energy bills which pay the system off over several years.

Does she know that, though most contractors got nothing, $400 millionstimulus” dollars went to the nephew of a corrupt, Progressive Congressman?  It provided eighty five (85) jobs, not the claimed “1,500”.  That’s $4.7million each, or a very rich nephew, and this was at least the second multimillion tax-dollar “energy” embezzlement this Democrat conducted (search Kanjorski/abound/cornerstone).

Obama has done nothing at all to advance solar panel technology.  Market-ready panels have not improved significantly in several years, though advancements from years ago are nearing production.  Did the writer hear about Obamas’ promise/threat to increase energy costs while reducing availability?  (Search Obama: energy necessarily skyrocket)  Did she know that Progressive plans require cutoff switches on all our air conditioners so that they can turn them off remotely on hot days?  Or that American clean-coal producers will be bankrupted and U.S. oil rigs were shut down to help foreign oil producers?  Don’t believe me, check all this for yourself.

More “credit” is due for Progressive arrogance in “Obama wants school years to be longer”; page A-10 on the same day.  Our declining schools are, in fact, failing our kids.  However, older generations learned far more English, history and math, without the aid of computers, smart-boards and scan-trons.  School years are already longer and homework requirements are staggering; little time is left for Scouts, sports or families, so school time is not the issue.  We are also throwing more money at schools than ever before. So what has changed over the last few decades to cause the decline?  Self-serving unions and 70 years of Progressive revisions.  (I wonder: will they quote Fidel Castro’s admission that Communism, “doesn’t even work in Cuba”?)

Private and home-schooled kids excel.  Public school kids are now spending their time learning revisionist history, “creative” language and spelling, climate fraud and Obama-culture chants instead of real world facts.  They are pumped full of false self-esteem rather than actual ability, responsibility and “credit where it is due”.
The reason that Obama wants more classroom time is to allow more indoctrination.  It keeps them away from the “counter-productive” control of parents even longer and permits more time under the influence of “Safe Schools” czar and child-sex advocate Kevin Jennings.  It advances the “radicalization of schoolchildren” that Obama worked on with terror-bomber and union-boss Bill Ayers.

Nationwide, Progressive Socialists are trying to cover their tracks.  They actually sent out a memo saying NOT to campaign on the health care takeover, energy policy or other “accomplishments”, because the people are onto them.  Obama blames the few honest news outlets for any bad news, then points and shouts at disillusioned Democrats for their feelings of betrayal. “Democrats and Progressives get fired up!”  At his own Iowa ‘backyard meeting’ on 9-29, a questioner pointed out that $250,000 isn’t “rich” with a family, college and business, and asked why Democrats were driving up his taxes and costs.  Obama told him that ‘I’ve done this and we’ve done that’, and, “your taxes haven’t gone up.”  Really?

They have gone up and they will go way up on January 1st, if Democrats don’t stop playing Socialist politics and allow a vote on the expiring Bush tax cuts.

Give credit where it’s due: people know when they are paying more, and have learned that worse is planned.  They see what is ahead on the Leftist road: riots and bloodshed run in the streets of Socialist France, Portugal, Greece, Spain…