It was good to see an article titled Muslim Brotherhood's post-Mubarak role unclear in the larger newspapers (Feb 8th). We hear very little about this shadowy group in mainstream media. Brenda Gazzar (Inland Group staff writer) even admits the possibility that they might seek to create a second, more powerful “Iran” in the chaos of Egypt’s revolution.
It is funny how most of the media is treating the Muslim Brotherhood as the Middle-East’s version of the United Way or Council of Churches, or ignoring their existence altogether. More outlets ridicule conservatives who warn of the danger than seriously investigate or report the group's past and present.*
It is unfortunate that Gazzar eventually declares that the M/B “has committed itself to democratic process” based only upon their press releases. M/B spokesperson Imam Anjem Choudary recently admitted to FOX’s Hannity that they are committed to ‘Dawa’ (forced global conversion to Islam) under Sharia (extremist Islamic law). He said that their belief is that there are only two viewpoints in the world: one (laughably) led by President Obama, which will be destroyed, and the other led by “sheik Osam bin Laden”, which will prosper. He continues that the people of Egypt “don’t want freedom”, that Israel (which predates Islam by 2,400 years) “occupies Muslim land” and that Americans (who were attacked by Islamic Barbary pirates before the Declaration of Independence) started conflict by “bombing” innocent Muslims. Choudary then flatly states that the Muslim Brotherhood “will remove the corruption of democracy and freedom” in America and “Islam is coming to your back yard”. That seems clear enough.
It is interesting to note that the Ground Zero Mosque’s Imam Faisal Rauf wrote a book entitled A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart of America post-9/11. This was years before plans were revealed for the building of a victory mosque to literally cast a shadow over the Memorial at the site of the 2001 mass murder. Two M/B subsidiaries, the Islamic Society of North America and the International Institute of Islamic Thought, paid for free reprinting and distribution of associate Rauf’s inflammatory propaganda (during a taxpayer-funded Middle East tour). The book was re-named “What’s right with Islam is what’s right with America” and the Cordoba Mosque (after the ancient Moorish victory Mosque in Spain) was renamed “Park 51 Multi-Cultural Center” for western consumption.
It is useful to read the firsthand accounts and research of Brigitte Gabriel, who is a survivor of the “invitation” to convert to Islam.
It is important to know that INSA and IIIT are not the only creations of the Muslim Brotherhood. Since their inception in 1928, under the motto, “…jihad is our way and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”, they have formed dozens of groups in many countries. A few of their other peaceful and democratic outreach programs are Black September (1972 massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes), Hamas and Hezbollah (suicide and rocket bombings of Israeli civilians), the Comabatant Clergy Association (Iran’s Ayatollahs), Ba’athists (Hussein’s Iraq), Taliban (Afghanistan), and Al Qaida (enough said).
It is also telling that Gazzar gives much credence to San Francisco State associate professor of broadcasting Dina Ibrahim. He says, “The [M/B] is very much like the tea party in the sense that it is a grass-roots movement taking advantage of a lot of economic frustration in the U.S. now and anti-Obama sentiment.” Gazzar and Ibrahim go on, “They are on the fringe of American politics, but…is the Tea Party ever going to be in power? Probably not.” Back to Mainstream Media’s Leftist bent.
It is Gazzar’s final point (citing a retiree who left Egypt for America 43 years ago) that “In [Muslim Brotherhood’s] absence, extremists would appear”.
So, it is the same to represent the clear majority of Americans, marching in millions (without so much as littering) in support of our Constitution, liberty and the reduction of federal debt and taxes, and to have just carried the largest landslide election in 70 years (permanently “in power” for 235 years of free elections) as it is to be an international, revolutionary, terrorist oligarchy, now torching Egypt to co-opt what really started as a drive for freedom?
It is funny to say so. In the meantime, it is still better to trust an honest local paper.
[*NEW DEVELOPMENT: Even the Director of National Intelligence (an Obama political appointee {enough said?} as well as an oxymoron) James Clapper tried to help apply the camo makeup to the M/B. In testimony before Congress and amidst a recitation about their philanthropic endeavors he announced a hallucinated eschewal of violence and decrying of Al Qaida, he actually uttered the words that the Muslim Brotherhood "IS LARGELY SECULAR" and has "NO OVERARCHING AGENDA OF VIOLENCE, PARTICULARLY INTERNATIONALLY".
[*NEW DEVELOPMENT: Even the Director of National Intelligence (an Obama political appointee {enough said?} as well as an oxymoron) James Clapper tried to help apply the camo makeup to the M/B. In testimony before Congress and amidst a recitation about their philanthropic endeavors he announced a hallucinated eschewal of violence and decrying of Al Qaida, he actually uttered the words that the Muslim Brotherhood "IS LARGELY SECULAR" and has "NO OVERARCHING AGENDA OF VIOLENCE, PARTICULARLY INTERNATIONALLY".
To be sure, a few of their spin-offs build schools and run educational, medical, food distribution and community organizing activities in order to curry favor and appear benign. But all of them are radically Islamist and in favor of the obliteration of both the "Little Satan" (Israel) and "Great Satan" (U.S.A.).]
These are also the people who conflate economic/political conservatism with social conservatism whenever it is convenient, attack conservatives for being "ignorant" when they aren't college graduates, and for being elitist/classist when they are, and who actively believe that the most free, fair, democratic, and liberal state in the middle east is an "apartheid" state.
ReplyDeleteLook into Walid Shoebat, he's had some interesting things to say about Islam in the past.