Seeking facts in a thicket of Post Tucson “civility”.
A few weeks ago, a crazed anarchist* tried to assassinate a moderate Democratic Representative. Thankfully, Gabrielle Giffords is making a miraculous recovery. Sadly, six innocent people (including a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl) were killed and a dozen others were hurt.
Another victim was the truth. A few on the right blamed it on the left and a tidal wave of baseless attacks from the Left washed right over them. Progressive media, personalities, pundits and elected “representatives” were immediately identifying the murderer as a right-wing, gun-toting buddy of a dozen different conservative figures, though it has been clearly shown that the shooter was too unhinged to form any coherent political ideology. It is also clear that his views were as far from conservative as he could manage. He is not a Democrat, but is (to summarize) a pot-smoking, Communist Manifesto, NAZI Mein Kampf and Daily Kos fan that disrespects God and hates Bush. It is the left end of the sanity wagon that he fell off. He certainly never tuned in to Beck, Limbaugh, et al.
As soon as this became undeniable, most Progressives simply shifted to an imagined need for strict, unconstitutional gun controls to prevent sociopaths from buying guns, or better yet, eliminate all gun ownership. The shooter was never a “gun owner” until 11-30-2010, long after he fixated on Giffords and began his rants. He didn’t buy ammunition until the morning of the shooting. Two additional things to remember: It was Progressive Socialists like Edmund and Jerry Brown, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton that made it much harder to hold, treat and document sick people making crazy threats, like the shooter did for years. And if Joe Zamudio had been closer to the scene with his legally carried pistol, the rampage would have been cut short. Guns and other weapons are already out there; bought, stolen or smuggled in by criminals who are not deterred by laws outlawing murder, let alone restricting guns. Making law-abiding citizens be unarmed sheep, when criminals and psychopaths are armed, invites such tragedies.
Leftists that didn’t attack the Second Amendment, and many who did, attacked the First Amendment. They called for a “ban on words or symbols” that somebody “might” find intimidating or agitating. They targeted – excuse me, focused on – conservative outlets once again. Unable to give a single example of a connection between any conservative commentary or symbol that ever caused a sane person to lash out, they insisted on prohibitions, “just in case”.
An acquaintance describes this inability to stop politicizing everything and twisting it to fit one’s anti-American agenda as “permanent ideological dyslexia”. I agree. Many are simply unable to conceive of the fact that Oligarchic/Statist/Socialist governments don’t work. Such governments thunder into power, do a lot of damage, exhaust other’s money, smother creativity, consume every resource, and collapse. Every time; usually around the 70 year mark. But for the Leftist, reality simply skips right past the “freedom might be right” option and another oppressive, centrally controlled option must be the only answer. They just never thundered, spent or smothered enough in the past. And the unequalled success of a free, upstart America is irrelevant or a fabrication to them.
Meanwhile President Obama (still denying the agenda of his parents, grandparents, wife, colleagues and appointees), wishing to appear presidential and salvage his plummeting approval ratings, spoke at a campaign rally cynically veiled as a memorial service. He read a masterfully tele-prompted speech between whoops, whistles, hoots and shouts. The personality cult was not disturbed by the presence of worried or mourning families of shooting victims. The President’s message? Both sides need to stick to ‘civility’. And the seating chart for the Fate – excuse me, state – of the Union address was to be (D)-(R)-(D)-(R) or maybe boy-girl-boy-girl. That’s right, to solve all the problems, all we have to do is forget any disagreement over government. And agree with the Progressives. Kumbaya.
Since the President’s speech, his personal ratings popped up 5%; almost back to 50%. Our Representatives selected dresses and baby-blue tuxes. Eleven cops have been shot, nationwide, almost as if someone believes the DOJ won’t prosecute them. Film maker Spike Lee announced that “the United States is the most violent country in the history of civilization”.
Hmm. That last bit seems to let a lot of people off the hook: the Huns (overran Europe), the Mongols (invented “scorched Earth”), the Roman Empire (subjugated Europe and mid-East), the Persian Empire (enslaved Eurasia, opposed by “the 300”), the Ottoman Empire (same area), the Norse (Vikings pillaged from Newfoundland to Paris), perennial African tribal wars, Feudal Japan and China and many others. Then there are the modern biggies, including (not counting wars they caused): Mao’s Communist China (70,000,000 murdered), Stalin’s Socialist USSR (35,000,000 murdered), Hitler’s National Socialist Germany (15,000,000 murdered) and Communist Pol Pot’s Cambodia, NAZI fan Hussein’s Iraq, Communist Castro and Che’s Cuba, North Korea, Iran, etc, etc.
Also after Obama’s advice to be civil was Steve Cohen’s (D-TN) defense of 2009’s health care industry takeover. Cohen pounded on the lectern and denied that nationalization of the industry was a goal of Obamacare (at the same time, Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) was calling for the outlaw of insurance-based health care and the imposition of nationalized medicine). Cohen twisted the term “blood libel” to blame all Germans for the holocaust and added that conservatives elected to oppose Obamacare, were “NAZIs” for repealing such unconstitutional, Socialist legislation. Obama, of course, had told unions that such “single payer” medicine was his personal goal, but campaigned publicly that “you can keep your policy and your doctor”. Lying: very civil. By the way, Rep Cohen, Dr. Goebbels learned propaganda from American Progressive Socialists.
Following the example of expunged Progressive wingnut Alan Grayson (“Republicans want you to die”, 2009), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) claimed that the ‘Affordable Healthcare Takeover, Student Loan Seizure and Pretty, Pretty Pony, This Won’t Hurt a Bit’ act (or whatever) saves money (despite corrected CBO reports of $1 trillion extra debt and 15 million still uninsured) and created many jobs (ignoring the 5 million lost since it passed). She says repeal “is killing Americans”.
The State of the Union went off predictably. Obama’s tele-prompted speech was stridently non-committal and centrist-sounding (did you know that the Progressive Socialists' ["Fabian Socialists" in Britain, after patient and cunning Roman schemer Quintus Fabius Maximus] symbol is a wolf in sheep’s clothing? No kidding). He promised (again) that under Obamacare you could keep your health insurance, save tax dollars and get more and better services along with 45 million more patients for the same money. Oops, 30 million more; some citizens are still excluded. Oops, 25 million; Leftist unions and cronies’ companies (and all of the bill’s promoters) have been excused from the “mandatory for all” law. And, oops, Medicare’s Chief Actuary Rick Roster confirms that Obamacare will cause increased costs and destruction of the private insurance industry, as predicted 2 years ago. So, Obama, Cohen and Lee are (civilly) lying again.
Also on the Teleprompter:
~Concerned about debt (tripled under Obama and the Progressive-controlled Congress), the very fiscally responsible President suggested a 5 year spending freeze! On a tiny percentage he calls “discretionary spending”. At the current, disastrous levels.
~Simplifying the tax code (doubled in size to accommodate thousands of new regulations and agents needed to enforce Obamacare).
~High-speed internet development. Paid for by government (taxpayers) instead of industry and free to those not currently using it at the expense of bandwidth needed by those currently paying for it.
~High speed rail. Paid for by overloaded taxpayers instead of developing industry. With no more riders than bankrupt Amtrack or tracks to put it on.
~Wide spread “investment” (not “stimulus”) to stimulate jobs in many non-critical and crony-owned industries. Several hundred billion ought to do it. But it’s not “Stimulus”, just taxes paying for discretionary projects that aren’t among the enumerated powers any more than health care, federal education control or High-speed you-name-it. But it’s not stimulus or Socialist or anything.
~Elimination of any tax-breaks, subsidies or support for the “rich”, that he said needed extension of Bush tax cuts to stabilize the job market. We don’t want evil, “rich” employers or investors investing in jobs or facilities.
~Merging and reorganizing the federal government; ‘fundamental change’ is always good, no matter what it really means.
~Bringing American business back to world leadership (under crushing healthcare requirements, locked-down oil and coal industries causing energy costs to “necessarily skyrocket”, Progressively educated workforce, suffocating unions and staggering “global warming” regulations). The stock market is, as always, struggling to restore capital if businesses ever decide to hire or build.
~Welcoming 6,000,000,000 new immigrants without controls.
~The president’s promise to “look at” (again) any suggestions the Republicans (having developed and announced them over and over for the last 2 years) might have for energy, health care, cutting the debt or helping create jobs.
~And much, much more!
A very civil string of misdirections, disparagies and mendacities. Someone’s fibbing, Lord, Kumbaya!
*Though anarchists are generally assigned the far right of an ideological scale (beyond Republicans, beyond Tea Party members, beyond Libertarians, right past the Constitution and all the way to the right wall; no controls at all: animal rule), they work hand-in-glove with the worldwide Global Socialist cabal. They destabilize and eventually bring down a weak "democratic" government, so that waiting Leftist Oligarchy can move in to "save" society at the expense of a few, never-ending, liberty-consuming, emergency powers. Their place is more accurately fixed on a circular, rather than linear continuum, with a free Republic at the top and extreme left meeting extreme right at the bottom.
The vikings actually pillaged as far south and east as Constantinople. When they were done raiding, many of them signed on as mercenaries for the Emperor at the time, and were known as the Verangian Guard (or Varyags, in their native tongue).
ReplyDeleteThank you, I had wondered about the Varyag thing (I believe the Soviets had a few ships by that name). In knew they got up into Russia and up the Seine to Paris.
ReplyDeleteAlso interesting is that "Viking" wasn't actually a group, but an activity; like raiding or privateering. All kinds of Norse (North men: Danes, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, etc) would be fishermen, hunters or whatever in good times, but would go Viking when times got tough or they saw an opportunity to expand power.
ReplyDeleteA high or local king would gather the loyal/willing chieftains (2 or 50), they'd "call up the militia", slip their dragon or monster heads onto the bowsprits and go viking for a season. Sometimes it was just one opportunistic captain.
The chief difference between Vikings and other pirates was their ability to call up really large fleets or mount long-term campaigns amid shifting loyalties.
Also: Their staying power in the lands they raided. Most pirates would loot and pillage and then leave, but after Norway became united, kings stopped just looting mainland europe in order to fund domestic wars, but rather expanded their influence, culture, and society as far as they could get it. Hence place-names like Normandy (Normans were descended of vikings) and Russia (named for the russo-finnish vikings that colonized it).