There are none so blind, as those that will not see. “Authored” by several writers (based in Jeremiah), this has been a human failing for millennia.
Lured by power and money, Socialists and Keynesians have been ignoring or concealing the truth long before Engels and Marx scribbled up a manifesto or Keynes theorized in academia. Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (dedicated to one radical that “at least got his own kingdom: Lucifer”) and others continue the march of the inflamed misinformed. Inserting huge, central government between ‘A’ and ‘B’ to magically improve efficiency has never worked. Subjectively choosing who to take form and who to give it to has never made “justice” as well as a single, level playing field does. Not once in hundreds of tries.
But, Leftists either ignore or “revise” history to match their theories. They co-opt heroes and assign them new roles. Robin Hood (actually a conglomeration of many patriots, not just one) is no longer an honest warrior, leading resistance against government that ignores the will of the people, over-regulating and over-taxing them. Now he is an advocate of government (kindly Prince John [“the Usurper”] ) taking and redistributing peoples’ wealth - - and don’t look at those historical records! Even some “churches” try to teach that Jesus wants everyone to support government taxation, rather than to give and to serve on their own volition. “Give unto Caesar” is no longer balanced by “give unto God” - - just obey, don’t read your own Bible!
Usually, Socialists give the pat answer for past failures: “they didn’t go far enough.” So, from Lenin (1902) to Castro (“Communism doesn’t even work in Cuba”, 2010), Mao (70,000,000 murders) to Sarkozy (“soft” Euro-Socialism), or Saddam Hussein (Fascist Islamo-Socialism) to his idol Adolf Hitler (Aryan National-Socialism) - - and all the others - - not one of them managed to get it right. Yet free, working systems must be torn down, because, they tell us, Socialism is the only answer.
A free, capitalist, constitutional republic, ruled by the People, had never been tried before Americans invented it. It is pretty much a one-off (with some successful copies), and rose against opposition from stronger, totalitarian states and continual sabotage of Socialism to be the world’s greatest, most successful and most generous country in the history of the world. American forces, called “Imperialist” by the Left (ignoring the inconvenient Soviet empire, Chinese puppeteering and NAZI conquest), have liberated more people than the combined armies of the world through time. They always come home as soon as possible, leaving the countries to their unchained people. Most of our “poor” have color TVs, cell-phones, cars, education and the right to vote. One shot, one bull’s-eye.
We see lots of willful blindness and deafness in the aftermath of the mid-term elections. Obama repeats (again) that we can’t understand his deep thoughts, or wishes conservatives would share one of the hundreds of plans they have shared. Pelosi celebrates the loss of 5 million jobs as “400,000 saved or created” and plans for the Return of Dismissed Liberals. California and New York went backwards. Both states are subsisting on federal infusions of money and would otherwise be bankrupt. California, with its 40 years of Democratic legislature, is $82 billion in the red. Yet deceived voters in big cities went for the whole redistributive slate.
Articles from the left continue to invent rationale, statistics or facts to excuse the welfare, union and illegal alien gimme’s that are causing the failure of these states. Three examples stand out.
“GOP pledge unlikely” by Mediha Fejzagic DiMartino (Nov 8th), ridicules conservative intentions to get part way back to the margins of the Constitution. Socialist Joe Baca and other Progressives “EXPOSE” the fact that the GOP alone will not be able to repeal the disastrous health-care takeover if Senate Dems vote against it or Obama vetoes it. No kidding? As Republicans have announced for weeks, the plan is to introduce a repeal bill for Dems to respond to, and then just defund most of the monstrosity until the 2012 elections. The biggest costs don’t kick in until 2014. Also, the $10 billion MORE that feds will give California (increasing federal debt) to prop up state Medicaid for illegal alien coverage is somehow presented as a good thing. The “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” is spelled out to make it look as though our rates weren’t just forced up by 20% due to impending changes imposed on insurance companies, and insinuate that the GOP is evil for even questioning it. No comment yet on the “Pretty, Pretty Pony Protection total amnesty act”.
In “A Marie Antoinette view” by the failing Washington Post’s Richard Cohen (Nov. 9th), the same health industry nationalization is again defended, while the best medical care in the world is defamed. Cohen calls incoming Speaker Boehner blindly naïve. Actually, Cohen made it “Panglossian” to remind us that we are uneducated while he, a Liberal, reads Voltaire. Cohen says that Boehner must be French, Japanese, Finnish, British or German, because the Congressman is proud of our medical care - - an insult to the United States. Cohen goes on to tout misleading or fabricated ‘facts’, trying rationalize “fixing”, rather than replacing the 2,000 page Chimera. ‘Misleading’ because, despite Cohen’s think tanks, desperately ill people (the few who can afford the trip) still come to the U.S. from every one of those countries (and the world) for the best possible care. ‘Fabricated’, as in his assertion that we have a third-world infant mortality rate. To get such numbers, you must include the intentional destruction of millions of babies, as promoted by the Left from “the Negro Project” to “Planned Parenthood”. Like Liberal climate fraud “data” that media propagandists like Cohen and DiMartino love to spread.*
A Nov. 10th letter to the Editor, “Party over people?”, is no better than the professional mendacitists. “Eddie” wonders how Bush’s and his party (attention, Socialists: W. retired two [very long] years ago) can “send … men and women to war in which thousands are killed…but not support a health bill”. He claims the health care industry takeover “enriches the health of millions of taxpaying citizens”, repeated several different ways. Eddie claims that “promote the general welfare” is the legal basis for the federal government to violate the Art.1, Sec 8, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments and to nationalize 1/6 of the private industry of the country, over the clearly voiced will of the people.
Really, Eddie? Let’s untangle this rat’s nest. First, Bush followed a policy approved by a Democratic Congress before he was sworn in and triggered by an attack killing over 3,000 Americans; authorized by the overwhelming, bipartisan vote of Congress. They remain (under Obama) to complete the job and thus avoid taking the ground for a third time. Mandatory, federal, taxpayer funded, micro-managed health care does not “clearly fall within” the preamble to the Constitution (a preamble being stage setting, not authority). The founders repeatedly and simply explained promoting general welfare as clearing the way and establishing basic conditions (defense, liberty) for individuals to prosper as they choose. Obama promised (for which Eddie voted) that we could “keep your insurance” and “your doctor” for “not a dime more” and “covering all Americans while excluding illegals” to general audiences, while he also promised “single-payer” (no choices) health care for “all 30-45 million” (counts illegals) to SOcialist groups.
As it turns out (and most of the bad stuff doesn’t kick in for 3 years or more): costs are driven up twice as much as Obama said constituted the emergency requiring swift passage; insurance companies are squeezed in less than 1 year and some approach extinction; employers are forced to cut insurance so that workers are forced into Medicaid; and it’s all costing a trillion dollars more than advertized while permitting illegals and leaving 10 million Americans not covered.
Eddie wraps up with an Allen Grayson-esque, “David Dreier (unlike Dems under “transparent” Pelosi and Reid) just a party puppet" and "…would rather see thousands killed in war than to see millions covered by health care”.
*By the way, Richard, though Marie was another big-government elitist, she had a rare moment of clarity. She never said “let them eat cake”, but ordered the royal warehouses to be opened for the overtaxed, hungry citizens and, “let them have the cake flour”. A disloyal service worker reported the misleading quote to the masses.
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