In his article of May 13th, “Easier for parents”, Ruben Navarette Jr. joins the throng of baseless, main-stream-media attacks on American sovereignty and patriotism, in favor of foreign supremacy. He says, “I have no idea what five students at Live Oak H.S… have in mind…” and then, like Obama, goes ahead and speculates anyway. He feels they are “good actors”.
Navarette makes 'mischief' the prime motivator of the Patriots; “they just spontaneously got the urge to wear… T-shirts adorned with American flags”. Oh, the horror! Shades of Maxine Waters and, “acting outlandishly… having a great time, laughing, waving American flags”! Its not like these and many other kids haven’t worn patriotic items before, or need anyone’s permission now. “The mood just happened to strike them on the fifth of May [translated]”. And…?? What significance does that date have in the U.S.? It has almost none in Mexico; not an official holiday, any more than the anniversary of the Battle of Charleston does here. They had no evident problem (nor did Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez) with dozens of foreign flags and shirts being worn by other students, but wanted to show the pride of some Americans in America. No one reports any racist or anti-immigrant taunts from the boys, sitting quietly at the lunch table when they were rounded up and sent home.
There is no District or school policy against wearing flag apparel. Navarette reports that administrators had asked students not to wear any sort of flag clothing. I am glad to hear this; since it has not been reported elsewhere and I have been unable to find this claim in Rodriguez’s statements. Unfortunately, Navarette gives no source. In any case, Rodriguez admits that there was no actual “trouble”, and he probably acted unnecessarily. Oh, and only the five “American” kids were ordered into the office, only they were ordered to turn their “flags” inside out and only they were told to go home “unexcused” when they declined. While all the others were left alone. When this happened, the boys “started acting like victims, insisting that the school was picking on them. How unreasonable of them!
Since that day, pro-Mexican flag students have walked out, tussled with administrators and bystanders, thrown down and trampled American flags, and complained about how badly they are being “disrespected”. A few outlets made heroes out of the America advocates. The rest of “mainstream media”, like Navarette, make them out to be trouble-making, racist, anarchists. Having been singled out for behaving like citizens in their own country, celebrated AND reviled, they are a bit confused and trying to figure out how to act. The 15 and 16 year olds know that what they did was perfectly within the rules and the law, but they are either trumpeted or attacked no matter what they say or do, yet Navarette wants them to find some other way to act.
Navarette claims that he was all set to defend the boys. Their rights were trampled on, the American flag shouldn’t threaten anyone (outside of terrorists) and there is something wrong about assuming any American (regardless of race) would react to the Stars and Stripes “like a bull reacts to a red cape”.
Evidently, Navarette’s divination that Rodriguez told everyone to leave all flags at home but disciplined only five American-promoters, changed his mind. Now, he muses about parents. “Parents”, he tells us, “find it easier to defend kids unconditionally than to raise them properly for the benefit of society. The result is a crop of defiant and narcissistic kids who demand attention and think the rules don’t apply to them.” This is most certainly true. Some kids will defy rules. They will also disrespect their own country (without discipline), leave school and cause disturbances, shout support for “the race”, and then demand respect for an amorphous allegiance to a foreign power whose corruption, failed economy and treatment of aliens drove their own parents to come to the U.S. for opportunity. Of course, the vast majority of all students stayed in school, though threats kept the five at home.
Navarette concludes, saying that conservatives want to make this about loss of American sovereignty, while it is really about having already lost of control of their kids. As noted above, some kids (few, fortunately) really do have anti-societal values and anti-American perspectives. Next he will tell us that somehow the U.S. southwest is “stolen land”. That Texans’ war of independence (1836) and the Mexican war (1846) were not won by the north, that Mexico did not sign a treaty (1848) and the U.S. did not pay the 2010 equivalent of over half a billion dollars to the bankrupt Mexican government for basically empty land that Mexico (with Spain and France) had stolen from the Indians a generation before. The problem is, all of that is true, but it makes his position harder to sell.
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